Monday, February 16, 2009


I was laughing out loud (literally) when I read Ellyn's post about acquiring a menagerie of toys for her granddaughter.

We're well on our way to Schleich animal ascendancy in the toybox here at the Comte. The knights and horses that I started buying for myself have become decorations for Wales's castle-themed nursery. The elves riding horses have also migrated into the nursery toybox. Zebras, giraffes, rhinos, a fox, stray horses . . . they somehow find their way home from trips to town. Target is very guilty in this regard, they sometimes sell older and discontinued models for half off . . . and who can pass up a gorgeously appointed and painted warhorse for half off? Not this fanatic, I tell you.

Of course, Target also has frequent really good sales on Playmobil toys, as well. I would be ashamed to admit to you all how very many Playmobil sets I have purchased over the past twenty years. It's almost irresistible when you combine the utility, durability, and all around uber wonderfulness of the toys with a really good bargain. I still have Playmobils in the toybox that I got for Christmas when I was eleven. Those are some twenty-three year old plastic people, you know. And still good.

Toys are my big weakness. I did manage to cull a large box this winter, though, so I am not totally hopeless. We'll see how well I do when it comes time to redecorate the kids rooms, though. Mia is no longer interested in her stuffed animals at all . . . but I can't bear to get rid of them. I'm working my way up to it, slowly.

(But I can't hardly wait to have some little granddaughters to spoil! Wheee, all the fun without the responsibility!@!!)

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