Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, another go at this . . . .

I should probably stop making New Year resolutions.

Since I've been making them (twentyish years?), I haven't managed yet to actually keep them much past Martin Luther King Jr's holiday. Even before there was a holiday . . . .

So, with that in mind, I am refusing to make any real resolutions besides the resolution to keep the resolutions that I made LAST year. If I can remember them, anyway.

So, that leaves me back where I started last year, trying to maintain a weblog again. I deleted all the previous posts (all nine of them, representing two years of posting.) I'm starting fresh, trying to discover exactly what voice and style I do have in this new (post-apocalyptic?) era.

No guarantees. This may very well turn out to be disastrous!

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