Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Struggling . . .

. . . to breathe, mostly. The winter crud finally came home to roost in my lungs. I'd been hoping that the disease would give me a pass this year, since I spent six months fighting off chronic bronchitis LAST winter, but alas, it got me. I've been popping Tylenol and Sudafed and wishing I had something a little more effective. Being sick while pregnant pretty much eliminates all the good drug choices.

Hack, cough, sneeze. Blah.

I seem to be a little better today. Yesterday I had cold chills and was vomiting, too. Today I just can't hear out of my right ear and I'm trying not to move my neck too much, since the swollen lymph nodes just hurt when I do. Still really nauseated, but so far I've managed to keep my food down.

The baby's kicking has intensified, if anything. He hates it when I cough-- each coughing fit sends him into a fury of kicking. He probably thinks the roof is caving in, poor little guy.

Other than that . . . oh yeah. We're moving BACK to Texas, in March. I'll only be, what, eight months pregnant? No problem. Surely I can get this house packed up, get the kids all out of school, drag them halfway across the country, put them back in school, and then pop out a baby in time for Cinco de Mayo?

At some point in the future, I will probably look back at my childbearing years and just LAUGH until I pass out.

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