Wednesday, March 25, 2009


March has flown by. It's been miserable.

We moved. Still had to leave a ton of stuff behind, to be brought later. Simply ran out of room in the truck and trailer.

Bought a new washer and dryer, a new fridge. A tiller, weed whacker, stuff for our garden. New bed for Cara. New towels and bathroom rugs for all the bathrooms. Spent a ton of money. No one can say we didn't stimulate the economy this month.

We have a half dozen illegal chickens in the downstairs bathtub, growing up under hot lights. Ireland and Wales love them, take every opportunity to go play with them. They grow up so fast! They're Black Australorps and Americaunas, 3 and 3. When the weather warms up a bit, I'll let the boys take them out back to play in the sunshine. They're more pets than anything, but if they do survive to lay eggs (and we don't get busted for them), they should start laying eggs in July.

I've been very sick, coughing so hard that I hurt my back, then my pain made my insomnia miserable. Went to the doctor on Monday, got some good codiene based cough syrup. I haven't been coughing, but I have been sleeping a lot. It's wonderful.

Wales has a sinus/nasal infection, for which he's on antibiotics.

I have my second OB appointment with the local doc tomorrow. We're looking at an induction date around the 28th of April, given my history of huge babies and shoulder dystocia. I'm definitely ready to get this baby out. Hugely pregnant, tired, and hurting. Yes, definitely will be better to have him out than in.

We still haven't decided on a name. We have a middle name, a saint's name and family name, but no first name.

Poor kid.

Anyway. Surviving. Thats about all I can do.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Just wanted to offer you encouragement. I had my baby nearly two weeks ago, so I can attest to the fact that yes, you too will hold your baby shortly and will feel much better. Here is hoping your remaining time of waiting is fruitful and filled with peace!